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SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE MAY 22, 2022 True Power and Majesty 10AM - 12NOON

SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 10AM - Our pastor will continue in our Revelation Series, taking us into the Revelation chapter 4. This is also our missions moment Sunday - a time for us to hear from one of the missionary families we support

You are welcome to take advantage of our childcare ministry: nursery for children ages infant through 8 years old & special table activities for older children sitting with their families in the worship service.

Our morning worship service will be followed by a time of coffee, snacks and fellowship before heading off to our small group time.  Our Life Groups provide an interactive, welcoming hour of discussion using sermon based questions.  These groups run approx 11:20AM to 12:15PM.  Childcare is provided (nursing babies are invited to stay with mommies:-).   So grab a cup of coffee & a light refreshment and join us.  Want to know more about what groups are offered?  Go HERE

Our Life Group time also includes a Sunday school time for school age children & nursery for babies (up to 2 years old).  

Want to know more? Contact us via email by clicking HERE.