LIFE GROUPS & SUNDAY SCHOOL January 12 - March 9 After the worship service, you are invited to stay and grow with others in one of the following classes
Sermon Based: Gathering to discuss and apply the sermon
Room 2 - 5th-8th Grade led by Cathy Hill and John Geasland
Room 4 - Women led by Laura Tschirhart, Laura Phillips or Felicia Graff
Room 7 - High School and Young Adults led by Adrian Bright or Abby Hill
Room 11 - Adults led by Mostellers and McKees
Room 12 - Adults led by Thomas Salmon
Elective: Parenting class - video series
Room 6 - Parents led by Owens and Pinions
Sunday School:
Room 3 - Pre-K-4th grade led by Michelle Geasland, Carmen and Abigail Philips
Nursery - Children ages birth -3ish - rotation
Women’s Bible Study - Select Fridays, 10:30-11:30 am at Geaslands’ led by the Women’s ministry Leaders
Middle School Youth Group - Grades 5-8 - One Friday/month - led by Abby Hill and Eli Hill