JOIN US THIS WEEK DECEMBER 11, 2022 For our Sunday morning worship service from 10AM - 12:15PM Pastor Tschirhart will be starting our special Christmas themed services: The Glorious Impossible. Today’s service will focus on “Jesus - Wisdom of the Father”. Scriptures that will be looked at are as follows: Mark 6:30-56; John 2:1-11; Luke 17:11-19; 18:15-17 & Hebrews 1:1-3.
We provide childcare: nursery & children’s church for children ages infant through 8 years old, on Sunday mornings. Immediately after our service you are welcome to join us for our regular Life Groups. *This will be our last Sunday this month for Life Groups. They will resume in January.
Do you want to know more? Contact us phone or email by clicking HERE.