SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP OCTOBER 3, 2021 @ 10AM We will be in the book of Romans and other scriptures as one of our members shares a message on the reality of the depravity of human beings. In a world where everything we choose to do (even if it’s wrong) is justified by those who are not using the moral compass of the Word of God.
If you want to go deeper in your relationship with Christ and others, you are welcome to join us for Sunday morning Life Groups from 11:30-12:15pm. These small groups provide an interactive, welcoming hour of discussion, study, devotion, prayer & fellowship. Childcare and Nursery are provided as well (nursing babies are invited to stay with mommies:-). So grab a cup of coffee & a light refreshment and join us. If you would like to know more about the groups offered, go HERE. You can also contact us phone or email by clicking HERE.
We also provide nursery care for toddlers and infants during the Sunday morning service & small groups. Parents are also welcome to bring infants or toddlers to the group with them if they would like.