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SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2020 The RETURN Washington DC Prayer March Event


On Saturday, September 26, from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, our church will participate, via live stream, in the national day of prayer and repentance in Washington, DC. Many Christian leaders will call on the Church, individuals and our nation to repentance throughout the morning, focusing on America from 10:00-11:00, and then we’ll have an extended time of prayer for America from 11:00-1:30. Continuing prayer for the nations with times of worship are scheduled for the remainder of the time. This is an opportunity to join with thousands of other Christians from across the country, to focus on our deep spiritual needs and to join in serous extended prayer for our nation at this critical time.


Link to Jonathan Cahn’s video, which is an excellent description of the event

Link to their general web site

Tentative schedule of event

List of featured speakers