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SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 “When Going to Church Does More Harm Than Good” 10am


THIS SUNDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 Will find us focused on the Lord's Supper and all that it means. Our pastor will be use the text from 1 Corinthians 12:17-34 with a sermon titled: When Going to Church Does More Harm Than Good.

Worship services begin at 10 AM followed by a time of fellowship with coffee, snacks provided each week.  Life Groups follow the fellowship time and run until around noon. You are invited to consider any of the three (3) adult & (1) High School sermon-based discussions available.  We also offer Sunday School for our younger teens & children as well as nursery care for toddlers and infants. Of course mothers with nursing babies are welcome to bring them with them if they would like.

Life Groups provide an interactive, welcoming hour of discussion, study, devotion, prayer & fellowship over a variety of biblical subjects and life issues. During the fall session: September-December 2019, these groups will follow the 10AM - 11:15AM morning service and fellowship time, running from 11:30AM to 12:15PM

Want to know more? Contact us via email by clicking HERE.