JOIN US AS WE WATCH, READ & PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES TODAY. Our 10am service will include an emphasis on VOM (Voice Of The Martyrs) and ways in which we can pray for Christians who are suffering around the world. Join us for this special time of learning more about our missionaries and others who serve Christ on the mission field.
You are welcome to join us for a time of coffee, snacks and fellowship following the service. Most adult Life Groups are paused for the summer months as well as all children’s Sunday school classes. Instead we have some family & church activities planned in more of a casual setting with the hopes of provided a much needed change of pace from the fall & winter months. *see schedule on the foyer announcement board or here on our website.
You are welcome to take advantage of our childcare ministry (nursery & children’s church for children ages infant through 8 years old, during this service and every Sunday morning for the summer months. Want to know more? Contact us via email by clicking HERE.