Welcome to Hillside Church of Tahlequah. We are glad you are here. Please look around at our website, and consider visiting us soon.
Did you know that GRACE is in the Bible over 130 times? Eph. 2:8, 2 Thess. 2:13, 2 Peter 3:18, Heb 4:16 & 1 Peter 1:3 will be some of the passages covered with all the different ways God has used grace in the world and in our lives! One of our own, Ron Genheimer, a former missionary in South Africa, will be our special speaker.
The Sunday morning service begins at 10 AM followed by Life Groups and Sunday School at 11:15 AM. You are invited to prepare with us as we listen, worship & contemplate what the Lord has for us in the scriptures. If you miss our gathering, please listen on our podcast listed here on our website. A refreshment time of coffee with a light snack & small groups will follow the morning message.